Welcome to CampJulsby
Please Copy and Paste the below Questionnaire into a blank document or email to complete the first step in joining our waiting list.
Puppy Questionnaire
The following questions are being asked of you in an effort to insure the right placement for each puppy is made. It is important to us that we keep in mind the various expectations of the new owner(s) paired with each puppy's temperament, energy level, and drive into perspective, BEFORE the selection of placement is made. We hope you will agree that, the puppy’s welfare must be our foremost consideration regarding any placement agreement.
Please answer the following questions as completely as possible, and return this form via email julsby@msn.com to be considered for out waiting list.
Phone: Best time to contact you:
How were you referred to us?
Type of dwelling: House / Condo / Apartment / Mobile/ etc.
How long have you lived at this address?
Do you have a secure fenced yard?
Do you own your home or Rent?
If renting, are you willing to provide a letter of permission to keep a dog from your Landlord?
Please provide your current Veterinarian name and Contact information:
Please provide an example of a normal day and how a puppy will fit into your lifestyle:
Have you owned a dog before?
Do you have other animals in the home?
If you have other dogs in your home are they spayed or neutered?
Do you have Children in the home? If so, what ages?
Please describe the members of your household, including tenants:
Are all members of you household in agreement about getting a puppy?
Who will be the main caretaker of your puppy?
Do you intend to crate train puppy?
Do you plan on attending training classes with your puppy?
Please give us some information about your previous pets:
Have you ever given away, returned to a breeder, taken a pet to shelter or rescue? If yes, please explain?
What are the main reasons you would like to add a puppy to your family?
Are you interested in exhibiting this puppy in any Dog Sport competitions (show, hunt, obedience, etc.)? If so, please explain in detail your desire and/or previous experience?
What type of family activities do you intend to include your new puppy in?
Are you interested in a Male or Female puppy? Or Open?
Please state if you have a color preference:
Please state if you have a Coat Type Preference: Smooth, Broken, or Rough.
Do you intend to Spay or Neuter this puppy?
Do you agree to delayed Spay or Neuter ( waiting to sexually alter you puppy till Physically Mature)
Do you know about JRTCA Registration?
If for any reason you can no longer keep a puppy purchased from us, do you agree to return the puppy without refund, compensation, or replacement?
Thank you for taking the time to give us a picture of the home you might provide for one of our puppies. We greatly appreciate it especially when puppy personalities begin to emerge. Any and all information provided is helpful for us to help in the proper selection of your new family member. Please feel free to elaborate.
Julsby Jack Russell Terriers
Julie Douglas
PO Box 1012
Crestline, Ca. 92325